Let’s break down these color wheel terms as well as some others you’ll need to know: It’s generally divided into 12 colors which are grouped into three categories: primary colors, secondary colors, and tertiary colors. A color wheel is a circular chart that arranges colors based on their relationships to one another.
If you want to learn how to mix acrylic colors, your first stop is the color wheel. Understanding the Color Wheel and Beginner Color Theory For Mixing Paints In this blog, we’ll cover the essentials of color theory, explain common color terms, and share numerous tips and tricks for mixing acrylic paint. Color mixing can seem a bit intimidating at first, but all it takes is a little know-how and some practice, and you’ll have the skills to level up your artwork.
So, a basic understanding of color - and how to mix colors - is a must for any painter. Color is the building block of every beautiful painting, whether it’s a bright, busy cityscape or a monotone piece.